ModafinilFacts does not collect personal information on this site. As with most websites, our server logs collect user information, including browser type, IP address, connection speed, and pages visited. We never ask for your name, address, or email address.
We also use Google AdSense to present advertisements and possibly Google Analytics to track visitor usage. These systems are widely used on the Internet. They also collect anonymous user information similar to those collected in the server logs. They place cookies on the website visitor’s machine. You can disable cookies on all popular browsers in the security settings.
We don't sell or trade visitor information. The only parties that may have access are the website hosting company and Google. If there is an inquiry by a law enforcement agency, we might release information if appropriate.
We may offer third party products or services on this website. These
services have their own privacy policy. We cannot take responsibility
for the content and activities of the sites we link to.